
The wonders of raising a bilingual child

“¿Aló? Koekiemonster? ¿Cómo estás? In de was? Sí, goed. Tot gauw!”

One of my daughters pretended to be talking on the phone with Cookie Monster. She had just turned 2 years old a few days before. This was probably the first clear example of her already acquired knowledge of both Spanish and Dutch, and her ability to use both in the same sentence in a fluent way and without hesitating. From that moment onwards, language skills have been developing at an impressive pace, and both of my girls keep surprising me every day with new acquired words and sentences, in both of their languages.

Language development in early childhood is always something wonderful to witness. The quick changes from baby sounds to first words to a toddler who speaks (and understands!) more and more every day are quite impressive. But when there are two or more languages involved, it is even more amazing to see how small children adapt so easily to a multilingual environment and develop their language skills in all involved languages at the same time.